Beef Wellington

Wrapped in Prosciutto Slices

Blend mushrooms, onions, garlic, thyme in processor. Sauté until moisture evaporates. Season, set aside to cool.

Brush the seared tenderloin with Dijon mustard all over it (although this is optional).

Tie tenderloin evenly, season generously. Sear on skillet, let it cool. Optionally brush with Dijon mustard.

Layer prosciutto slices on plastic wrap. Spread mushroom mix. Wrap tenderloin tightly. Chill for 30 mins.

Roll pastry into a rectangle. Place beef on pastry. Wrap beef in pastry, cut excess. Decorate with pastry leaves.

Rest beef for 10-15 mins after baking. Avoids sogginess. Slice only after resting. Aim for medium-rare.

Sauté onions, garlic, bay leaf, thyme. Add wine, stock; reduce. Strain, add cream, mustard. Thicken. 

Cook for a few minutes until sauce thickens. Salt and pepper to taste.