Grilled Lamb Chops, Juicy & Smokey. Rosemary Garlic Marinade

- Blend together rosemary, garlic, Creole seasoning or paprika, thyme, and white pepper using a food processor or mortar and pestle. - This herb mixture will be used to marinate the lamb chops.

Grind the Herbs

Herb-rubbed lamb chops: rub herbs onto chops, ensure even coating. Put in airtight container, chill in fridge for at least an hour or overnight.

Marinate the Chops

Marinate lamb chops in fridge. Longer = better flavor. Let flavors penetrate meat, enhance taste.

Chill the Chops

Grill perfect lamb chops: Bring to room temp, remove marinade, heat grill, cook 3.5-5 min per side until browned to desired doneness.

Grill the Chops

Grilled lamb chops: Rest for 10min after cooking to distribute juicy goodness. Enjoy!

Rest and Serve