How to Make Skewered Kofta Kebabs in 30 Minutes

Are you unsure whether it's spelled kofta or kefta? Don't worry about the spelling variations (including kafta) - just enjoy the dish! 😁

Kofta kebabs are popular in the Middle East, with "kofta" (or "kefta") referring to "pounded or grounded" meat preparation. Meat, vegetarian, or seafood kofta can be made since "kofta" refers to the preparation methods.

This beef and lamb kofta kebab recipe is perfect for feeding a crowd, whether for a quick midweek meal or at parties. Pair it with salads and sides for a complete meal.

This beef and lamb kofta kebab recipe is perfect for feeding a crowd, whether for a quick midweek meal or at parties. Pair it with salads and sides for a complete meal.

Kofta Kebabs Recipe Ingredients

How to Make Kofta Kebabs in 30 Minutes

In a large bowl, combine the ground beef and lamb. Blend onions, garlic, and parsley in a food processor or blender, then press out as much liquid as possible using a fine sieve and rubber spatula.

Next, add the mixture to the bowl containing all the spices and breadcrumbs. Use your hands to combine the ingredients until evenly mashed together.

Scoop up a portion of the mixture and shape it around a wooden skewer. Press the meat to cover the length of the skewer and set it aside. Repeat this process until all of the beef mixture has been used.

Grill kofta kebabs for 3-4 mins on medium-high heat, adjusting time based on thickness. Serve with pita bread, fattoush salad, and dill sauce. Enjoy!