Make ahead super bowl food

Make ahead Super Bowl food is a great option for those who want to enjoy the game without worrying about cooking.

One popular make-ahead Super Bowl dish is pizza. And to make the perfect pizza, you need the right dough recipe.

A simple and classic "Pizza Dough Recipe" includes flour, yeast, salt, sugar, and water. Mix the ingredients together, let the dough rise, and then roll it out to your desired thickness.

When making pizza dough, it's important to use the right type of flour. All-purpose flour can be used for softer crust.

To ensure a perfectly risen dough, make sure the water used is warm (not hot) and the yeast is activated before mixing in with the other ingredients.

Let the dough rise in a warm, draft-free area, knead for about 6 to 7 minutes or until smooth and elastic.

Knead risen dough briefly (3-5 times) on a floured surface, then form into a 12" circle. Place on parchment-lined pizza pan. Pinch or fold edges for crust.

Use yeast dough within 3 days for best results, up to 5 days is fine. Cold fermenting for a week creates a sourdough taste, fresh dough is best. Freeze on day 3 to preserve if not using right away.

Can Pizza Dough Go Bad?

Use both hands to stretch and flatten dough to desired width. Hands work best to feel texture and warmth improves crust texture.

How Do You Stretch Pizza Dough?

This pizza dough recipe can be customized with different toppings to suit your taste. 

Whether you're making pizza for a Super Bowl party or for a weeknight dinner, this pizza dough recipe is a great base. Give it a try and enjoy the delicious and satisfying results.