How to make French Toast with a crusty crumb top


French toasts are a favorite. But when trying to feed a crowd for breakfast, I go by with this super easy, heavenly casserole of French Toast Bake.

Thick, dense, white bread are best preferred for this recipe as they are already sweet on its own and it can hold up the egg mixture as it soak up.

You can assemble the bread in a casserole the night before and allow the bread to soak up the delicious coquito egg mixture overnight.

Prepare the brown sugar butter topping separately and put them in the fridge.

On the next day, take the French toast out and sprinkle the topping on the bread casserole and pop it in the oven. Voila!

The smell of melted brown sugar, pure vanilla extract and cinnamon is the perfect way to wake up on holidays.

You’ll definitely hear some ooohhhs and aaahhhs once you serve this. I suggest you save some for yourself or it’ll be gone too soon. 😉

You’ll surely have the tastiest casserole of French toast ever.